Find out more about this family project!

We are a happy homeschooling family who love to learn. We love a good project and are excited to share this podcast adventure with you!

 Why a history podcast?
We LOVE podcasts. We love to supplement our curriculum with audio. There are several science and storytelling podcasts that we listen to regularly and when we went looking for something about history we COULDN’T FIND ANYTHING! The obvious conclusion was that we needed to make one ourselves. We make this podcast all on our own. It is amazing how the internet can help you learn how to do anything!

How do you research for your episodes? 
Since this podcast is an extension of our family homeschool goals we try to do as much of the research together. We start by checking out lots of books from our public library and read through them together. Next, we brainstrom a big list of info to include in the episode and Mom gets to work writing the episode. From there it is a ton of recording and editing. The whole process takes way more time than you would probably guess! Mom is pretty sure that she is crazy for taking all this on.

How do you choose your topics? 
We go wherever the wind blows us. Our interest in a particular topic is usually sparked by something we encounter…which is the whole point…we want to build our knowledge so that we can understand our world and make more connections. We have an ever-growing list of ideas. Feel free to send us  a recommendation!

The Voices

Here’s the who’s who of our podcast:






We would love to have your support! We hope to produce about one episode each month, so signing up at the $1 an episode level is a nice light contribution. Join our patron family!